The price of the commercial software copy includes installation on 100 computers and unlimited use. The price of the C/C++ source code that produces the software is negotiable.
  Product Name Price with the source code in SFr. Approximate Source Code Lines Price of the software in SFr.  
For WINDOWS 16 and 32 Bit
English syntactical parser - parsing negotiable 250000 available at request
English syntactical and semantical parser - sempars negotiable 250000 available at request
German syntactical parser - deparse negotiable 250000 available at request
German syntactical and semantical parser - desepar negotiable 250000 available at request
French syntactical parser - frparse negotiable 250000 available at request
English grammar spell-checker - spell negotiable 250000 free for private use
German grammar spell-checker - gerspel negotiable 250000 free for private use
French grammar spell-checker - larus negotiable 250000 free for private use
Italian grammar spell-checker - it_spell negotiable 250000 free for private use
Question answering, English - answer negotiable 250000 available at request
Question answering, German - ANTWORT - fragen negotiable 250000 available at request
Text attribution (English) - sum-up negotiable 250000 available at request
Text attribution (German) - refer_de negotiable 250000 available at request
English-German Machine Translation - winende negotiable 1000000 free for private use
German-English Machine Translation - d-e-win negotiable 1000000 free for private use
English-German Text-to-Voice Machine Translation, - edtvoi negotiable 1000000 available at request
English Logical Infernce - LOGIFOLG - inference negotiable 250000 not for sale
German Logical Infernce - LOGIFOLG - d-inferw negotiable 250000 not for sale
For Windows 7, 8, 10, 32 Bit and 64 Bit
English Logical Infernce - LOGIFOLG - inferw negotiable 1000000 not for sale
German Logical Infernce - LOGIFOLG - d-inferw negotiable 1000000 not for sale
English-German Machine Translation - winende negotiable 1000000 free for private use
English-German Text-to-Voice Machine Translation, - edtvoi negotiable 1000000 available at request
English-Russian Machine Translation, - eng-rus negotiable 1000000 free for private use
German-English Machine Translation - d-e-win negotiable 1000000 free for private use
German-English Text-to-Voice Machine Translation, - detvoi negotiable 1000000 available at request
German-Russian Machine Translation - german-ru negotiable 1000000 free for private use
French-Russian Machine Translation, - french-ru negotiable 1000000 free for private use
French grammar spell-checker - frspelw negotiable 1000000 free for private use
English into Plain English with automatic correction of errors - enenwin negotiable 1000000 free for private use
German into Plain German with automatic correction of errors - deeinde negotiable 1000000 free for private use
Question answering, English - enqaw negotiable 1000000 available at request
English chatbot - en_chatbot negotiable 1300000 available at request
German chatbot - dechat negotiable 1300000 available at request
Question answering, English, with display of pictures - enqawp negotiable 1000000 available at request
Question answering, German - wdeqa negotiable 1000000 available at request
German Natural Language Parser - deparsw negotiable 1000000 available at request
German semantical parser - desparsw negotiable 1000000 available at request
English Natural Language Parser - enparsw negotiable 1000000 available at request
English semantical parser - enparplus negotiable 1000000 available at request
French Natural Language Parser - frparsw negotiable 1000000 available at request
Text attribution (English) - etatry negotiable 1000000 available at request
Text attribution (German) - wtad negotiable 1000000 available at request

Electronic Thesauri

for WINDOWS 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 32 Bit and 64 Bit
English electronic thesaurus - SOFTHESAURUS - thesaur negotiable 2700 free for private use
Multilingual thesaurus of linguistic terms - langterm negotiable 2700 free for private use
Multilingual lexicon of place names - geoatlas negotiable 2700 free for private use

Compressed *.tar.gz files for LINUX (UNIX) - DOS interface

English parser - e_p.tar.gz negotiable 250000 available at request
French parser - f_p.tar.gz negotiable 250000 available at request
English grammar spell-checker - e_s.tar.gz negotiable 250000 free for private use
French grammar spell-checker - f_s.tar.gz negotiable 250000 free for private use
Italian grammar spell-checker - s_i.tar.gz negotiable 250000 free for private use
English Question answering - q_a.tar.gz negotiable 250000 available at request
German Text attribution - dta.tar.gz negotiable 250000 available at request
English Text attribution - t_a.tar.gz negotiable 250000 available at request
Order commercial version
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